
Der Global Music Education League Council (GMELC) ist Teil der UNESCO. Es wurde 1970 gegründet und zielt darauf ab, die traditionelle Kultur und Volkskunst verschiedener Länder zu schützen, zu fördern und zu fördern. Sie hat 105 nationale und regionale Mitglieder. Jedes Jahr nehmen über den Rat mehr als 100 Millionen Menschen, darunter mehr als 30.000 Tanz-, Musik-, Chor- und andere Künstlergruppen, an verschiedenen Kunstfestivals teil. GMELC organisiert jedes Jahr 5.000 internationale Volkskulturfestivals, darunter 2.000 Tanzworkshops, 1.000 Musikworkshops und 2.000 Kunsthandwerks-Workshops. Es gab 2.000 Workshops, die sich mit Bildungsprojekten für Kinder befassten. Jedes Jahr nehmen mehr als 320.000 Kinder, 250.000 Jugendliche und mehr als 210.000 Erwachsene an einer Reihe von Aktivitäten wie internationalen Seminaren zu Volkskulturfestivals teil.
1952: during the Tiroler Sangerfest in Innsbruck representatives of choirassociations in Austria,Germany,the Netherlands and Switzerland estab-lished the idea to promote choir singing by exchanging compositions,choirs and other initiatives throughout Europe.

1954: foundation of a West European Union of Singers in St.Gallen.

10 December 1955:official Foundation Event of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Europaischer Chorverbande AGEC and election of the first Board in Stras-bourg.

The members of AGEC(national and regional choral federations from allover Europe) aimed to ensure quality by way of composition assignments,conducting courses,training and workshops.ln matters concerning the development of singing culture in general, music lessons at schools,the singing among young people and the promotion of music education,AGEC played an active role.Other initiatives taken by AGEC were an annual com-position prize, the formation of the EuroChoir, the EuroFestivalchoir and the edition of songbooks.

1955-1971          Dr.Paul Plugshaupt(CH)
1971-1980          H.F.Brune(NL)
1980-1987          Dr.Walter Weidmann (NL)
1987-1990          Hans Hierck(NL)
1990-1996          Bernard Stolz(CH)
1996-2006          Hartmut Doppler(DE)
2006-2011          Michael Scheck(BE)
1961-1982          Francois Bourel(FR)
1982-1994          Marcel Corneloup(FR)
1994-1995          Gilbert Martens (BE)
1995-2000          Noel Minet(BE)
2000-2003          Christopher Simmons(UK)
2003-2009          Jeroen Schrijner(NL)

1961-1982          Francois Bourel(FR)
1982-1994          Marcel Corneloup(FR)
1994-1995          Gilbert Martens (BE)
1995-2000          Noel Minet(BE)
2000-2003          Christopher Simmons(UK)
2003-2009          Jeroen Schrijner(NL)
late 1950s: a group of conductors from different European countries who had partly been soldiers in World War ll met during a youth event at Loreley and discussed what would be the best way to make sure that their young
singers would not want to go to war.On the model of the French festival Choralies in Vaison-la-Romaine they decided to create a festival in which the choirs would not only sing for each other, but rather participate together in different workshops.Also they would be sleeping in the same accommo- dation, eating together and spending their free time together,thus making friends for life.

1960: founding meeting in Geneve in 1960 and first EUROPA CANTAT festival in Passau,Germany, ending just a few days before August 13th 1961,when the wall between Western and Eastern Germany was closed.
1963: foundation of the "European Federation of Young Choirs" in Bonn (renamed later"Europa Cantat").

Main founders:
Choral organization "A Coeur Joie” (France)
Choral organization "Arbeitskreis Musik in der Jugend" (Germany)

Main aim: to give an organisational structure to international exchange and international cooperation

1961-1982          Francois Bourel(FR)
1982-1994          Marcel Corneloup(FR)
1994-1995          Gilbert Martens (BE)
1995-2000          Noel Minet(BE)
2000-2003          Christopher Simmons(UK)
2003-2009          Jeroen Schrijner(NL)
1961-1982          Francois Bourel(FR)
1982-1994          Marcel Corneloup(FR)
1994-1995          Gilbert Martens (BE)
1995-2000          Noel Minet(BE)
2000-2003          Christopher Simmons(UK)
2003-2009          Jeroen Schrijner(NL)
On9 May 200s (decoision by membershio of AGEC)and t4/Nlovember 2009gldecision by riembership of Europa Cantat-European Fedration of Young Choirs) it was decided to merge the two choral organisations into one under the name of Etropean ChoralAssociation -Europa Cantat from1 January 2011
on 9 lMay 20o3(decion by memberstipof AGEC)and 14 November 2009(decision by membership of Europa Cantat -European Federation of Young Choirs) it was decided to merge the two choral organisations into one under the name of Elropeah Choral Association -Europa Caniat from 1 January 20
on 9 lMay 20o3(decion by memberstipof AGEC)and 14 November 2009(decision by membership of Europa Cantat -European Federation of Young Choirs) it was decided to merge the two choral organisations into one under the name of Elropeah Choral Association -Europa Caniat from 1 January 2011
on 9 lMay 20o3(decion by memberstipof AGEC)and 14 November 2009(decision by membership of Europa Cantat -European Federation of Young Choirs) it was decided to merge the two choral organisations into one under the name of Elropeah Choral Association -Europa Caniat from 1 January 2011

on 9 lMay 20o3(decion by memberstipof AGEC)and 14 November 2009(decision by membership of Europa Cantat -European Federation of Young Choirs) it was decided to merge the two choral organisations into one under the name of Elropeah Choral Association -Europa Caniat from 1 January 2011