XIV New York International Music Festival Carnegie Hall


The New York International Music Festival will feature an outstanding faculty of instrumental and choral professionals. Past instrumental faculty has included Dr. Lawrence Sutherland from California State University, Fresno; Mr. Brian Worsdale, The Manhattan School of Music; Felix Hauswirth, Youth Wind Ensemble of Baden Württemberg, Switzerland; and Dr. Glenn Price of the California Institute of Technology. Choral faculty of past World Projects events has included Dr. Geoffrey Boers from the University of Washington; Heather Buchanan, Montclair State University; and Dr. James Jordan from Westminster Choir College at Rider University. Dr. Lawrence Sutherland serves as the 2020 Festival Artistic Director.

Festival activities will include an outdoor performance in New York City, a dinner dance/cruise along the Hudson River, and group workshops with festival faculty. The festival culminates with ensemble performances in Carnegie Hall. One adjudicated ensemble will also be selected to work with a composer to develop a commissioned work that will be premiered at Carnegie Hall.
Music Festival
Programm des Aufenthalts
TBD Groups arriving at one of the area’s airports will be met by a World Projects staff member in baggage claim who will direct you to your coaches. Transfer to the festival hotel.
Groups arriving by coach will be met at the festival hotel by a World Projects staff member.
Check in to the festival hotel in Midtown Manhattan
(hotel TBC) with assistance from a World Projects staff

Groups arriving before the hotel’s check-in time will have lunch on own and may choose to take a tour of the city (at an additional cost).

DAY TWO: April 2020 – NEW YORK CITY – Workshop
Morning Breakfast on your own nearby.
Today, enjoy a group workshop with a Festival clinician (location and time TBD). The showcase ensembles will have a rehearsal in lieu of a workshop.
Afternoon Lunch on your own nearby.
Enjoy free time on your own to explore the Times Square area.
Evening Dinner on your own nearby, or it may be arranged through World Projects.

DAY THREE: April 2020 – NEW YORK CITY (D) – Outdoor Performance
Morning Breakfast on your own nearby.
This morning, groups will be transported to the outdoor performance venue (possibly in Central Park, Battery Park, Brooklyn Bridge Park, or similar – TBC – weather permitting).
Afternoon Enjoy your outdoor “pops-style” performance!
Return to the hotel.
You will have some free time for lunch on own and to explore the Times Square area or enjoy a group sightseeing activity (additional costs apply).
Evening Meet in the lobby and load the coaches for the Festival Dinner Cruise.
Eat, dance to DJ music, and enjoy the sights (including a stunning view of the Statue of Liberty) as you cruise along the Hudson River with other Festival participants.

Following the cruise, load the coaches and return to the hotel.

DAY FOUR: April 2020 – NEW YORK CITY – Carnegie Hall Performance
Morning Breakfast on your own nearby.
Groups performing in the afternoon will meet in the lobby of the hotel in performance attire with instruments. You will be escorted to Carnegie Hall by a World Projects staff member.
Arrive at Carnegie Hall for your group’s sound check.
Following your sound check, store instruments in your warm-up room.
Lunch on your own nearby.
Afternoon Return to Carnegie Hall for the Afternoon Adjudicated Concert in the Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage at Carnegie Hall!
Groups performing in the evening will have their sounds check in the late afternoon.
Evening Dinner on your own nearby, or it may be arranged through World Projects.
Arrive back at Carnegie Hall for the Evening Showcase Concert in the Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage at Carnegie Hall!
Following the concert is the Awards Ceremony.

Return to the hotel.

Morning Breakfast on your own nearby.
Most groups will be leaving New York City today. If your schedule allows, enjoy free time on your own for last-minute sightseeing, shopping, or dining.
Check out of the hotel and depart New York City.

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